

Hello Gorgeous Mama! Yes! You!

I am so excited that you found us.
You are at the right place through your Honest Mom Journey, if you are seeking advice, new ideas, or practical tips on any topics related to motherhood, postpartum, first year, child development, toddlerhood, sleeping, feeding, mental/physical health, and many more…


If you Feel like sometimes you have no idea what you are doing, and feel lost but you want to give the best you can for your little one.
If you feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster ride that never ends.
If you feel like you suck at this motherhood thing, but deep down you know you are probably doing pretty good.
If you feel like you are all alone with your battles, despite having an amazing baby, a supporting partner, and a family, then you feel guilty about having these emotions.
If you are exhausted to the level where you sometimes switch to autopilot and you feel grateful that you can use your baby as an excuse to go to bed at 8 pm (until the next waking at 9 pm).
If you feel guilty not being able to take control over your messy and chaotic home, and you feel even more guilty, when you finally actually manage to get done some house chores, but you feel like you are taking precious time from your baby.
If sometimes you miss the old outgoing and social you and trying to find yourself in this new role, but you do enjoy every cuddle, smile, and laugh with your little one.
If you feel like despite all these, you utterly and eternally love your baby, you would never change any of it, and you wanna be the best you can be for them.

Well, I am sure you have heard a million times that ‘Life is a journey’ well guess what… ‘Motherhood is a journey too‘ only that it is probably a lot bumpier than anything that you have ever experienced before. Not in a bad way though, more like an exciting adventure. You see, if we think about life as our longest road trip, then Motherhood is when you go offroad.
It is not always as you expected, it can get really dirty sometimes (literally when you are covered in poop) and you can even find yourself and your life upside down. But when you overcome the challenges over and over again and get to the top of the hill to enjoy the moment, that is priceless. And the best part is that you get to share that feeling with that tiny human that you love the most in this big big world and with your other half!

Well, get back to the passenger seat Mama, cause we are here for you to navigate! You are not alone on your mom’s journey. We all have been and still are there, sometimes up on the hills and down in the valleys trying to figure it out.
The good news is, you don’t have to figure it out all alone!

Here you will find advice, tips, and tools to navigate your chaos on the road, with no judgment. It is your choice to try whatever you feel resonates with your personality, parenting style, or simply with your gut feeling.

And remember, no judgment.
This is a safe place for you to get rid of any guilt feelings and embrace your true and honest mom journey.